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  • Results will be returned that contain all of the terms entered. For example searching for bus schedule would return anything that contains both bus and schedule in any order but not only bus or schedule by themselves.
  • Searching while you are within a course or group will return results found within that course or group. If there are no results within the course or group you will be shown results for your term from everywhere.
  • You can use + or - to include or exclude search results. For example, the search +schedule -bus will return results that contain the word schedule but not the word bus.
  • Put a word or phrase in quotes to find exact matches. Searching for "bus schedule" will search for the exact phrase bus schedule with no other words between those two.
  • You can add * at the end of a term to find results that start with that term. Searching for book* will return results for book, books, bookmark, and bookmarks. (You can also add * in the middle of a term)
  • Common words such as and, the and of are excluded from the search. To force them to be included, put a + in front of them.
  • The characters && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ ~ * ? : \ have special functions and aren’t searched for. If you need to find results that include one of those, you can put a \ in front of it and it will be searched for like a regular character. For example Abbott \& Costello or Who’s on first\?
  • Housing
    TIU Bicycle Registration
    Registering your bike is free. Registering your bike makes it easier to recover, should it be stolen.
    bookmark category in Housing in Housing Services
    On Campus Housing Forms
    bookmark category in Housing in Housing Services
    TEDS/TGS Housing Applications
    bookmark category in Housing in Housing Services
    Off Campus Housing Opportunities
    bookmark category in Housing in Housing Services
    bookmark category in Housing in Housing Services
    Campus Bicycle Registration
    Bicycle registration is free of charge. Registration of your bike can be helpful in its recovery, should it dissapear from campus the local police will be able to contact the Unversity with the bike Tag#. Any bicycles found without a tag over the summer will be deemed abandoned and will be disposed of accordingly. Bicycles are only to be stored in bicycle racks located outside building, disignated storage units or inside residential living areas (ex. dorm rooms and apartments) not suite areas hallways or stairwells.
    bookmark category in Housing in Housing Services
    Summer Housing
    Use this application for either TC or TEDS/TGS Students
    bookmark category in Housing in Housing Services
    Summer Housing
    Summer Housing
    bookmark category in Housing in Housing Services
    Housing Cancellation Form
    Use this form for any on-campus housing cancellation requests.
    bookmark in Housing in Housing Services
    Request the Off Campus Housing List
    Request the Off-Campus Housing List
    bookmark in Housing in Housing Services
    Summer Housing Application
    Used for Owens Hall summer applications
    bookmark in Housing in Housing Services
    Apartment Application
    This apartment application opens on April 1st for the fall semester and on November 1st for the spring semester.
    bookmark in Housing in Housing Services
    Emotional Support Animal
    Please read over this information about Emotional Support Animals.
    bookmark in Housing in Housing Services
    myTIU A portal for accessing various resources for the TIU community.  Each department is represented within the portal.  In addition to accessing IT-related resources, it is also the place for adding/dropping classes, paying bills, etc.
    bookmark category in Links in Technology Services
    Update your myTIU Profile
    bookmark category in Links in Technology Services
    Web Registration via myTIU
    New undergraduate students will finalize their course schedules after they have met with advisors at New Student Orientation. Other undergraduate students will register for courses after they have met with their advisors. Graduate students are encouraged to review syllabi prior to registration. Graduate students may also contact peer advisors at
    bookmark category in Links in Technology Services
    Financial Aid on myTIU
    bookmark category in Links in Technology Services
    Bill Payment via myTIU
    bookmark category in Links in Technology Services
    Finding your Textbooks on myTIU
    bookmark category in Links in Technology Services
    Google Workspace
    TIU uses Google Workspace for email, calendar, documents, cloud storage, and team collaboration. Visit and log in with your TIU credentials to access TIU's Google Workspace. Your TIU email will be [your usernema] Please note the following. All official TIU correspondence will be sent to your TIU email account. Remember to provide your student ID number whenever communicating with the school for faster service. Your TIU credentials and Google account will expire after two consecutive semesters from graduation or un-enrollment
    bookmark category in Links in Technology Services
    Account Activation
    bookmark category in Links in Technology Services
    Student ID Cards
    Student ID’s are issued to every Trinity student so that they can access the library and be easily identified as they conduct business on campus. Student’s ID’s for online students can be obtained using a form connected to the online campus with password/log in credentials. In addition, the Student Life department obtains a list from Admissions with the currently enrolled online students with biographical data (name, address and ID numbers) along with an electronic copy of their photo (if photos are not provided, Student Life contacts the student directly to obtain an electronic photo). ID cards are then generated in house and mailed out to the student. In order for online students who are not enrolled in traditional courses on campus to obtain a Trinity Student ID card, you will need to provide proof of identification with a valid government-issued photo ID (state driver’s license, state issued ID, passport).
    bookmark category in Links in Technology Services
    Canvas LMS
    Canvas is the Learning Management System used at Trinity International University.   For best results, you should have high-speed internet and use a Google Chrome web browser.  Many of the presentations and assignments will require Microsoft Office and the ability to read a PDF file. Office 365 is freely available to the TIU community.  More information may be found here.  
    bookmark category in Links in Technology Services
    bookmark category in Links in Technology Services
    Canvas LMS
    Canvas is the Learning Management System used at Trinity International University.   For best results, you should have high-speed internet and use a Google Chrome web browser.  Many of the presentations and assignments will require Microsoft Office and the ability to read a PDF file. Office 365 is freely available to the TIU community.  More information may be found here.
    bookmark in Links in Technology Services
    bookmark category in Links in Technology Services
    Quick Link
    bookmark category in Quick Link in the group Financial Intelligence

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